The Eden Prairie Chamber of Commerce invites your organization to participate in the job fair that will serve as a bridge between your business and the students at the Eden Prairie High School. Last year we had over 850 students participate in this great event, with many businesses following up that they’d made successful hires that are still with their organization!
Please email for more information and/or sponsorship details.
Cost to exhibit: $85 for MEMBERS | $110 for NONMEMBERS
Please complete registration + payment to confirm your spot at the Job Fair.
This year’s event will take place on February 28th, 20223 from 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM.
Cost to exhibit: $60 for MEMBERS | $110 for NONMEMBERS
This year’s event will take place on February 28th, 20223 from 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM.
Cost to exhibit: $60 for MEMBERS | $110 for NONMEMBERS
This year’s event will take place on February 28th, 20223 from 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM.
Cost to exhibit: $60 for MEMBERS | $110 for NONMEMBERS
7:15 AM | Vendor Set-Up Begins
8:00 AM | Vendors are to be set and ready
8:15 AM | Earliest students will begin coming into the gymnasium
11:30 AM | Event Concludes