Design The Next Southwest Transit Bus Wrap!
Contest Guidelines
In early 2025, SouthWest Transit is expanding its fixed route service to serve the 494 Corridor. With convenient Park & Ride Stations in Chaska, Chanhassen, and Eden Prairie, residents of the Southwest metro will have additional transit options when going to destinations along 494 including the Mall of America and MSP Airport.
This new service requires SouthWest Transit to put 10 new vehicles into service, each requiring a “wrap”, (an advertisement that covers the whole vehicle) and what better way to launch a new route than getting the community we serve involved!
- All individuals ages 11-18 years old as of December 31, 2024 who live in SouthWest Transit’s primary service area of Eden Prairie, Chanhassen, Chaska, Carver, and Victoria. No groups or organizations please. There will be two age groups with a top winner from each group (Ages 11-14 & 15-18).
- There are no fees to enter!
- Only one artwork submission per entry allowed.
- Entry forms and design templates can be obtained in the following ways starting on December 16, 2024:
- Picked up from the box in the vestibule at 14405 W 62nd St. Eden Prairie between the hours of 8am and 5pm Monday – Friday. Please note the office is closed on December 25, 2024 and January 1, 2025.
- Downloaded at www.swtransit.org/community-design-contest/
- Ineligible Parties:
- Current and former employees of SouthWest Transit, Transdev, and May Mobility
- Current and former SouthWest Transit’s Commissioners
- Family members of current and former SouthWest Transit Commissioners
- Family members of current and former Transdev, May Mobility, and SouthWest Transit employees
Design Requirements:
- The design must include the following:
- www.swtransit.org
- 952-949-2BUS
- Space for the SWT logo which will be added later
- Designs must be timeless without anything that would “date” the bus. ex: 2025
Inclusion of copywritten design is prohibited and will disqualify the design. ex: Characters, logos, etc.
Print (Physical) Designs:
- All art forms can be utilized including markers, crayons, colored pencils, paint, etc. No glitter, magazine remnants, or extra embellishments please.
- Please ensure your artwork is printed landscape on 11”x17” paper.
Digital Designs:
- The design pdf can be imported into design software like Adobe InDesign and submitted as an .ai file or a pdf. Unfortunately, the original raw design file is unavailable.
Submission Eligibility:
- Completed Submissions (completed submission includes both an Entry Form and Artwork) must be submitted by 5pm central on January 31, 2025 in one of the following ways:
- Dropped off in the box in the vestibule at 14405 W 62nd St. Eden Prairie between the hours of 8am and 5pm Monday – Friday - Attn: Erica Schulte King. Please note the office is closed on December 25, 2024 and January 1, 2025.
- Emailed to eking@swtransit.org
Choosing the Winners:
- Winners will be chosen by a panel consisting of SouthWest Transit Staff. When evaluating submissions, the panel will consider:
- Originality
- Creativity
- Color
- Scheme
- Thematic
- Consistency (if there is one)
- Winners will be informed in February and subsequently announced in a Press Release and social media campaign. Winners must sign a media release (or a guardian on their behalf) and be available for photos/videos as requested.
- The winning designs will be replicated as closely as possible. Some slight design changes may be required.
- Contact Erica Schulte King at eking@swtransit.org or 952-974-3110.